
Featherisaserenegameaboutexplorationandimmersioninabeautifullandscape...NintendoSwitch;XboxOne;PlayStation4.InitialReleaseDate:Apr5,2019.,Featherisapeacefulgameaboutimmersingyourselfinabeautifulisland.Becomeabird,flyaroundandloseyourselfinzen-likeflowwhilstlisteningtothe ...,Featherisamultiplayergameaboutexploration,relaxationandimmersion.Transformyourselfintoabird,takeflight,andenjoyazen-like...


Feather is a serene game about exploration and immersion in a beautiful landscape ... Nintendo Switch; Xbox One; PlayStation 4. Initial Release Date: Apr 5, 2019.

Feather for Nintendo Switch

Feather is a peaceful game about immersing yourself in a beautiful island. Become a bird, fly around and lose yourself in zen-like flow whilst listening to the ...

Feather on Steam

Feather is a multiplayer game about exploration, relaxation and immersion. Transform yourself into a bird, take flight, and enjoy a zen-like, ...

Feather Switch

15A dual channel switch, with current monitoring for each channel and user programmable LEDs for indication of output current status etc.

Feather Switch-Blade Shears - Model 50

Feather offers a shear that is always sharp??always perfectly balanced??always ready for the most precise and creative cut your clients expect from you.

Feather | Nintendo Switch download software

2019年4月5日 — Feather is a peaceful game about immersing yourself in a beautiful island. Become a bird, fly around and lose yourself in zen-like flow whilst ...


2019年4月24日 — You control a bird flying around a small cluster of low-poly islands. Every time you play, the basic control reminders will pop up in tutorial ...

飛鳥模擬遊戲《Feather》PS4 繁體中文版今日上架

2022年11月29日 — 《Feather》是一款讓人放鬆心情的飛鳥模擬遊戲,助你解悶解憂。玩家可以選擇單人或多人線上模式,化身成一隻鳥,隨意翱翔天際、探索奇景。遊戲不設任何 ...